Conference on Chronic Ulcers Management

Friday 26th of October, 6:00 pm.

British Hospital Auditorium
Morales Polyclinic
Morales 2578, 3rd floor

Lower-extremity ulcers aetiology: Interdisciplinary approach. Special guest: Dr Gustavo Díaz, Head of the Hyperbaric Medicine Service of the Armed Forces’ Central Hospital. Topics: Presentation: Lower-extremity ulcers aetiology. Dr. Alejandra Peyré (dermatology). Lower-extremity chronic peripheral artery occlusive disease (AOCMMII) and chronic venous insufficiency (IVC). Dr. Victoria Gastambide (vascular surgery). Lower-extremity oedema management Dr. Juan Comesaña (Physiatry). Hyperbaric medicine role Dr. Gustavo Díaz (Armed Forces Central Hospital). Ulcers of Vasculitic Causes. Dr. Washington Vignolo (Medicine Department). Lower-extremity ulcers treatment. Dr. Natalia Sorrenti (Plastic Surgery). Experience in domiciliary nursing. Interesting cases. Grad. Nurse Alejandra Salvagno, Grad. Nurse Fernanda Rodríguez, Grad. Nurse Daniela Feola (Nursing department). Addressed to: General practitioners, Vascular Surgeons, Dermatologists, Plastic Surgeons, Physiatrists, Physiotherapists and nursing personnel. Coordinated by: Dr. Alejandra Peyré and Dr. Natalia Sorrenti. Limited capacity.

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